Bridge the Gap Between Marketing and Sales

ATTN Entrepreneur & Business Owner:
Do You...

Have a high-end offering, service or application-based sales process and lack a strong system that consistently delivers results?

Do You...

Have a love hate relationship with sales? You love the revenue and freedom it provides but hate the act of convincing, justifying, and closing?

Are You...

Trapped in the seat of sales, unable to clone yourself or go about getting someone in place that can perform as well as you do?

Have You...

Read all the books, taken all of the courses, and still find yourself stuck with a sales process that doesn’t fit your exact needs. Or worse yet feels horribly inauthentic, pushy, and a bit cheap?

Would You...

Love to have experts work with you for 6-Weeks to implement a proven sales system that fits your exact needs and delivers massive results?

If you said yes to any or all of these, you're in the right place.
Watch The Video Below To Learn More

The Sales Solution No One is Teaching

An Authentic Way to Make More Money, Serve Better Clients, and Feel Amazing While Doing it.
If you’re still reading then I already know three things about you.
#1 You are looking for a solution to a “Sales” problem.
#2 You genuinely care about your business.
#3 This problem is not unique to just you.

You see every scenario I listed above, along with so many others, were the same challenges we faced in our own businesses along the way. Like you, I solved each challenge as they came up, and with each solution there would be minor improvements.

However, it wasn’t until I discovered a powerful GAP that existed between my Marketing and the actual sales call itself that once I intentionally leveraged it, everything changed. It was a GAP that I thought everyone knew about.

But what really surprised me was…

After years of working with some of the highest level entrepreneurs in the industry, it became abundantly clear that even the most successful among them lacked a solid sales process.

They had outstanding marketing and provided top-notch services, but when it came to guiding their clients from application to potential on-boarding, they were missing the most powerful piece.

What I realized was very few people knew how to leverage this gap authentically to attract ideal clients and wildly increase their sales.

Why… it’s simple – no one is teaching it!

Most sales training programs only focus on the art of “SELLING”. Teaching sales psychology, “closing” techniques, and prospecting. But leave you without a clear framework for guiding your prospects from initial contact to on-boarding.
This lack of guidance can leave even the most talented entrepreneurs struggling to consistently convert leads into paying customers.

Until Now…
Introducing the

The only sales system that bridges the gap between marketing and sales.

A simple step-by-step system for converting better aligned clients with less effort and a hell of a lot more fun.












A 6-Week ‘Done-With-You’ Rapid Group Implementation Program

We will not only teach you the precise methodology, processes, and mindset that we have been using for years to increase sales successfully and sustainably, but we will also personally guide you in implementing them into your own sales process.

This program offers you the opportunity to bridge the gap between your marketing and sales… increasing your sales while attracting more premium clients.

Discover how to effectively qualify, establish expectations, and inform your prospects prior to your sales calls. By doing so, you position yourself for success and establish yourself as the preferred choice in your market.

We will guide you through each stage, from application to on-boarding, providing you with a streamlined and impactful sales process so you can convert better aligned clients with less effort.


From Application to On-boarding – a Simple Step-by-Step Sales System for Converting Better Aligned Clients with Less Effort and a Hell of a Lot More Fun.

The 6-Week ‘Done-With-You’ Rapid Group Implementation Program

A proprietary system created from our decades of experience in Branding, Marketing, and Sales to give you the real insights to take your sales to the next level.

Here’s What You Get
Pre-Training: Methodology / Analysis (You Sell Us)
Week 1: Mindset / Approach
Week 2: Application
Week 3: Set The Table
Week 4: The Call
Week 5: The Offer
Week 6: The Follow up
You’ll Also Be Getting
Free Sales System Audit

We will review your exact sales process top down and help you identify your biggest opportunities for growth.

Unprecedented Access & Personalized Feedback

Myself (Mike Budny) along with Michael Pellet will be very hands on working with everyone in the program doing active reviews and feedback.

Private Slack Channel

Our intimate group will all have access to a private slack channel for us to communicate, share progress and get feedback every step of the way.

Live Implementation Reviews

Gain powerful insights from others sales systems as we do LIVE reviews that will benefit everyone regardless of your industry.

Small and Intimate Group (10-12 MAX)

First come, first served, this first round is a private invite to our close network of friends, clients and colleagues.

Total Investment
100% Money Back Guarantee

If you engage in the weekly training and aren’t 100% satisfied for any reason, we’ll gladly refund your full investment – no questions asked and at no risk to you.

Who this is NOT for:
What Makes This Different?

In a sea of sales training programs, what sets ours apart?

We integrate the best strategies from not just sales, but also marketing, branding, business development, and advertising. We’re not offering just another sales program, but an inclusive business growth strategy. This holistic approach provides you with the best tactics from each field, creating a comprehensive toolkit for your business success.

We ground our methodology in the fundamentals of human psychology. Every sale, every interaction, is human-to-human first and foremost. Regardless of your industry or offer, our system empowers you to understand and ethically influence customer behavior for optimum results.

We stand for authenticity and value over sleaze. Say goodbye to outdated, high-pressure sales tactics. We’ve built our approach on a philosophy of sincerity, value creation for clients, and relationship building. Not only does this approach to sales make you feel good, it also converts like crazy.

Hands on and ‘Done With You’. We won’t just provide the training and leave you to it. We’re going to personally review your exact sales setup, identify your biggest growth opportunities, and help you close those gaps. We’re committed to seeing you succeed, and we’re prepared to guide you every step of the way to make that happen.

We’re different because we care about your sales journey, not just the destination. We empower you to sell with integrity, authenticity, and confidence, all while propelling your business to unparalleled heights of success. If you’re ready for a sales revolution, you’re in the right place!

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